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Biomech design folder

Custom work / biomech reference kit 2024

150+ biomech references / 100% custom art

2 pdf books

Bonus 12 unique biomech textured dynamic shaders for Procreate

Introducing Our Biomech Procreate Bundle: A Fusion of Art and Technology

Welcome to the realm where art meets innovation, where biomechanical wonders come to life on your digital canvas. In this Procreate bundle carefully crafted by our artists, we invite you to embark on a journey through the captivating world of biomechanics.

Biomechanical art traces its origins to the intricate works of Swiss artist H.R. Giger, renowned for his design contributions to the film "Alien." Stemming from Giger's fascination with the fusion of organic and mechanical elements, biomechanical art emerged as a captivating genre characterized by its surreal, often unsettling, yet undeniably mesmerizing aesthetics.

In the tattoo world, biomech designs have transcended mere adornment, becoming symbolic expressions of human-machine symbiosis, inner workings, and the complexities of existence. Artists like Guy Aitchison and Aaron Cain have pioneered the fusion of biomechanics and tattoo artistry, pushing the boundaries of creativity and technical skill.

About Our Bundle:
Crafted with passion and expertise, our Biomech Procreate Bundle offers a treasure trove of over 150 custom-made designs, meticulously curated to inspire and elevate your digital artistry. Each design is a testament to the marriage of organic beauty and mechanical intricacy, inviting you to explore new dimensions of creativity.
Embedded within this bundle are two PDF eBooks, serving as invaluable guides and sources of inspiration for aspiring and seasoned artists alike. Delve into the depths of biomechanical artistry, unraveling its symbolism, techniques, and endless possibilities.
But that's not all. We understand the importance of equipping artists with the right tools. That's why we've included a selection of textured mech-inspired brushes, meticulously crafted to enhance your digital creations with depth, dimension, and character.

Our Legacy:

Since 2017, we've been dedicated to empowering artists with innovative resources and unparalleled quality. With a stellar rating of 4.9 from over 3000 reviews, we take pride in our commitment to excellence and the unwavering support of our community.
Join us in the evolution of artistic expression. Let our Biomech Procreate Bundle be your gateway to a world where imagination knows no bounds, and creativity knows no limits.

[ please note, the designs in this bundle are made from us at Design team Valhalla, they should only be available for sale  at our page! support the artist and do not spread our bundles You can use the designs included for your own tattoo art / artwork references as much as you want ] 🙏❤️

~From artists to artists ~